Taylor Eldridge
Apr 11, 2021
"A Prayer" amongst Giants
A Prayer: Lord, this canopy of redwoods holds Your air, here I salute, Your gift in creation: this forest: a stamp on my soul, a renewal...

Nick Chaney
Oct 27, 2020
Rejecting Capitalism and Embracing Christ
As income inequality rises to levels not seen since the Gilded Age, capitalism as an economic system has never been under more scrutiny...

Margot Chesnut
Oct 12, 2020
Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty
British Romantic poet John Keats had his epitaph engraved with the following lines from his poem Ode on a Grecian Urn: "Beauty is truth,...

David Choy
Oct 4, 2020
St. Augustine’s friend Alypius
I have been reading on and off the book by the ancient theologian St. Augustine of Milan, titled Confessions, where Augustine goes...

Margot Chesnut
Jul 28, 2020
Covid-19: Motivation, Work, and Rest
A simple Google search that starts with “why am I tired…” is auto-filled with “...during quarantine.” A collective sense of tiredness,...

Nick Chaney
Feb 27, 2020
Creator God
Witness the power of Creator God, The All-Maker, the one who exists outside of time. He creates life from death His breath is in my lungs...

Kenneth Lucas Dodd
Jun 2, 2018
Technology, Sabbath, and Trinity Sunday
This piece was originally written on May 27th, Trinity Sunday in the Christian liturgical calendar. One of literature’s jewels, Ray...

Kenneth Lucas Dodd
May 25, 2018
Pentecost and The Last Jedi
(Images herein are property of Lucasfilm, a subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios) It is a dark and stormy night on a cold, windswept island....

Kenneth Lucas Dodd
Apr 1, 2018
A Poem for Easter 2018
Rubaiyat of a Fire Look, the precipice: a man of power From his forearm a great flood will shower But never will he eclipse the silk moon...

Kenneth Lucas Dodd
Mar 31, 2018
The Mathematics of Holy Saturday
God is infinite and eternal, says the Abrahamic monotheist. God becomes finite and temporal, says the Christian. God becomes nothingness,...