A Poem for Easter 2018
Rubaiyat of a Fire Look, the precipice: a man of power From his forearm a great flood will shower But never will he eclipse the silk moon...
Kenneth Lucas Dodd
Apr 1, 2018

The Mathematics of Holy Saturday
God is infinite and eternal, says the Abrahamic monotheist. God becomes finite and temporal, says the Christian. God becomes nothingness,...
Kenneth Lucas Dodd
Mar 31, 2018

Holy Saturday: A Moment of Interim
stretched limbs, expended. tension, strain, release, thrust. tug of war: triumphant unclean, triumph buried. interim, a time...
Katie Simas
Mar 31, 2018

Abraham and Isaac: Good Friday Foreshadowed
A few thousand years ago, there was a man named Abram. We don’t know much about his background, except that he grew up surrounded by a...
Nate Nyberg
Mar 31, 2018
Another Poem for Good Friday 2018
Note: In a number of phrases, the author has taken poetic license in expressing theological concepts and faith-related experiences for...
Kenneth Lucas Dodd
Mar 30, 2018
A Poem for Good Friday 2018
Why, in love does one forget the pyre he claims to hold? Is it time vitiating heat and masking intent with the rust of silence? Or is it...
Emma Joy Benis
Mar 30, 2018

Holy Week, in the Eastern Orthodox Christian Tradition
The tradition and imagery found in an Eastern Orthodox Christian church throughout the ecclesiastical year are second to none. A major...
Joseph Bundros
Mar 30, 2018

A Poem for Palm Sunday 2018
Dayshine I enter into the presence of the sun seeking the light of its countenance.​​ the day alighting upon me like a dove, cooing in...
Kenneth Lucas Dodd
Mar 25, 2018

Saint Patrick: A Brief Reflection on Culturally-Enriching Christianity
The name "Saint Patrick" generally evokes memory of imagery of greenery and all things Irish. Perhaps we Central Coasters are stirred to...
Kenneth Lucas Dodd
Mar 17, 2018